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Quality products made in Austria since 1956
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image product-overview PRODUCT-OVERVIEW
image square product numeration Universal Dowelhole
drilling machines
image square product numeration Double line drilling machines
image square product numeration Machining Centers
image square product numeration Drilling-, Gluing- and Dowelinsertingmachines
image square product numeration Drilling- and Insertingmachines for hinges and fittings
image square product numeration Case clamps
image square product numeration Frame- and Staircasedrilling- and Mortisingmachines
image square product numeration Drilling machines for bottom hinges and window handles
image square product numeration Special machines
image square product numeration Used- and 2nd
hand machines

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Woodworking machines

Hermann Ganner Straße 1
A-6410 Telfs, Austria

Telephone: +43 5262 62532
Fax: +43 5262 62532 20

Website: QR-Code

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image square Glue Applicator

Efficient gluing in cabinetry in dowel holes and back side grooves as well as gluing
at frame-, window- and door-constructions of dowel holes and mortise and tenon joints.

Glue Applicator - GANNOMAT Leimfix  
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Configurator and Contact image info button

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image info button Features and Benefits

image info button System benefits of Gannomat Leimfix
Glue Applicator - GANNOMAT Leimfix - Features and Benefits  
Timesaving - Easy - Clean
Stepless regulation of glue amount
Exact glue-application cut-off
Immediate discharge of glue, because the glue applicator with the nozzle is under pressure
Movealbe glue applicator
Requires only 6 bar compressed air connection

image info button Glue applicator with 2 guns
Glue Applicator - GANNOMAT Leimfix - Features and Benefits   Glue applicator with 2 independent guns for

image info button Universal operating range
Glue Applicator - GANNOMAT Leimfix - Features and Benefits   Universal operating range through interchangeable nozzles and attachments.

Cabinetry: Glue applicator for applying glue into dowel holes and grooves

Frame-, window- and door-constructions: Glue applicator for gluing pre-drilled holes in window and door components and can also be used for gluing of mortise and tenon connections and with the optional roller spatula, also suitable for surface gluing

image info button Movable by castors
Glue Applicator - GANNOMAT Leimfix - Features and Benefits   Set of castors to make the machine easy movable.

image info button Additonal advantages that will make work easier, reduce set-up time and increase precision, we will explain to you in a personal conversation

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Features and Benefits image info button
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Configurator and Contact image info button
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